The positive side to this story is that now the hens have a much bigger and safer run. I had been wanting to build a bigger run for them for a while but unfortunately it took a very sad accident for DH to agree to build one. Friday evening I researched chicken run images on Google and found one that looked easy to build from looking at the pictures.
Perfect I thought, we can make this work. On Saturday morning I worked out the measurements and the amount of timber required and then off to the local timber yard to purchase the wood we went. After we built one side we decided to change the design a little because the angles on the other panels to make it fit with a sloping roof were making it just a little to difficult to work out. So we opted for a flat roof and all the walls the same height which is much easier to move around inside it anyway. By Saturday afternoon we had the frame finished.
Sunday came and off we went back to the hardware store to purchase roofing, wire netting and more nails. On went the roof. I decided a solid roof would be the way to go so that the hens could still be outside when it's raining. We made the roof slightly sloping so that any rain will run off it.
Then the wire mesh went on. Now you might be wondering why there is a gap on the right side at the bottom. That is so it can butt up against the existing coop.
A perch was added, which I am yet to see them use.
It was all hands on deck to help move it from the garage to the yard. Here you can see Blossom and Buttercup enjoying their new space.
Just days before this all happened I had added two new ladies to the flock. Let me introduce them.
On the left is Daisy and on the right is Delilah. They are Orpington hens. Feathers don't actually grow on their legs but they have so many that they hang down like a long skirt. They are an English breed that does well in cold climates so here's hoping they will lay through the winter for us. They are settling in well and the hen pecking from the other two (especially Blossom) is getting less and less.
Did you notice how big the new run is? I can pretty much stand up in it if I watch my head. The best part is that I can fit more hens in there now. YIPPEE!! What breed or breeds shall I get next and how many? Hmmm ... Watch this space!